240 Wellness Way, Washington, PA 15301 | 724.225.WELL

Today's Hours: Open 5:00 AM - 9:00PM
*Pool closes at 8:45 PM See full hours
Today's Hours: Open 5:00 AM - 7:00 PM
*Pool closes at 6:45 PM See full hours
Today's Hours: Open 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
*Pool closes at 2:45 PM See full hours


” The Choose to Lose program at the Cameron Wellness Center has been a tremendous help in my weight loss journey.  I started approximately two years ago with a weight of 207 lbs.  I’ve been struggling with my weight my entire life and had lost and regained many times.  However the first time I met Michelle, I was greatly encouraged.  She took a complete assessment and was truly interested in my struggles.  We never discussed a “diet” per se, but focused more on good nutrition and making small, positive changes.  Each week we discussed some of the challenges I’d had and some better choices.  She always congratulated my successes and looked at ways to redirect my poor choices for that week.  It’s been a long journey and Michelle has patiently helped me through it.   I’ve lost 40lbs. and feel better than I have in a long time.  I look forward to continuing with Michelle and the program.”  – Caron Boyer
“The best part of the Biggest Winner competition was the confidence that I gained in myself. Since the competition, regular exercise and making better food choices has become a way of life for me that I enjoy. There are still times that I struggle, but now I have the knowledge and confidence to pick up where I left off and keeping reaching for my goals.” – Jessica Tennant, age 35
“(The program) ..emphasized that not only was exercise important but that our diet was important. The sessions on nutrition were very enlightening and reinforced the idea of watch what you eat. I definitely would recommend the program to others. Individual success in the program depends on the participant’s determination, dedication and desire to achieve the goals that they originally set.” – Paul Setto, age 73
“Have an open mind about the workouts. Don’t limit yourself by saying you can’t do something that looks hard. It’s your time and your chance to prove to yourself that you can do it. By having a closed mind you will be missing out on some amazing things!” – Marci Undzius, age 33
33“If you want to get in shape and lose weight this would be the way to go. You have great trainers teaching and motivating you to work out and educate you on how to take care of yourself. I feel so good physically and mentally after I am done doing the Biggest Winner. I feel I always look the best after I am done. It also gives me the incentive to continue on and keep exercising to keep my weight down. It is also a great way to get rid of some of my stress.” – Janine Zito, age 50
“This is an excellent opportunity to participate in an organized, unbiased educational and exercise based program with no judgment on ability or size only desire. Never have any fear of not being able to participate. All are welcome and the old adage is true; you are never too old.” – Kathy Smith


Find out with food sensitivity testing through LEAP

(Lifestyle Eating and Performance) & MRT (Mediator Release Test) and start feeling better today!

“Before taking the LEAP test and working with Jacqueline on the elimination diet I had chronic IBS, mystery rashes and headaches frequently. I learned so many of the foods I ate daily, my body was reacting to. Within two weeks of the controlled diet I felt so much better, my IBS was cleared up and I went weeks without even a stomach ache. Now I understand what foods to stay away from entirely and what foods I can have once in a while and still feel good. I would recommend this this test and plan toanyone. While it is a challenge to be so restricted at the beginning of the plan it was so necessary to have the results. I’m so thankful for the test and Jacqueline’s expertise and recipes! – Debbie Roytas
“We inquired about the LEAP program because we
could tell that our son had sensitivities to foods. We thought we had it narrowed down to specific foods, but he continued to have multiple loose stools daily. We couldn’t have been more wrong.“After starting the LEAP program, we realized he has a bunch of food sensitivities that we hadn’t pinpointed. Since starting the program, our sons stools have formed and he is a much calmer child. We are so pleased with the results of the LEAP program!”
– Patty Patrick, mother of LEAP client
“Participating in the LEAP Program has greatly changed my life. I’ve learned what foods are my enemies. No longer do I have to live every day as though my G.I. tract were in a war zone. I can now schedule events in my life with confidence, without the fear that I may have to cancel plans due to a raging intestinal tract. Over the years, I spent more money and time buying and reading books on IBS, Colitis, and other digestive disorders. I tried everything I could to help myself understand why I was sick all the time. The LEAP Program has provided answers to all my questions.”
– Pat Jinkens
– LEAP clients


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