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Today's Hours: Open 5:00 AM - 7:00 PM
*Pool closes at 6:45 PM See full hours
Today's Hours: Open 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
*Pool closes at 2:45 PM See full hours

5 Tips to Make Your New Year Fitness Goals Happen

Fitness Center Washington

With the new year approaching, it is time to start thinking about your New Year’s resolutions and how you plan to achieve them. Whether you overindulged at holiday parties and family meals or a fresh start has inspired you to change your habits, it is essential to have a plan for making these changes to ensure they stick throughout the year and beyond.

Studies show that only 10% of people achieve the goals they set for the new year, with over a quarter of the people quitting within the first week. Although these statistics can be discouraging, you can follow these five practical and useful tips to help you get the year started off in a healthier direction!

Find What Works for You

Nothing is more discouraging than forcing yourself to do something that you don’t enjoy. When it comes to achieving a fitness goal, it is important to find something you love to do. If you are interested in your workout, you are more likely to stick with it. If a traditional work out at your local gym in Washington fills you with dread, try a group spinning class or a kickboxing class to get moving.

You can also mix up the traditional gym workout by trying a different type of machine, like a bike or rower. Don’t be afraid to try out a variety of things until you find what you truly enjoy.

Make a Plan

When it comes to goal-setting a major mistake people make is to jump in, with no concrete plan. Rather than choosing a vague goal, like losing weight or getting healthier, break down your goal into practical steps. For example, if you want to lose weight, then plan out the steps you will need to take to achieve that goal.

When planning, it is helpful to work backward from your goal to an everyday action, such as planning meals, learning new recipes, preparing meals ahead of time in batches, etc. You want to break your goal down into actions. This will help you create a plan where you can implement these actions and stick with them to achieve your goal.

Keep Track of Your Progress

When it comes to fitness goals, it can be easy to get discouraged when you don’t see immediate results. Your body takes time to adapt and adjust to your new eating and exercise habits, so it can be several weeks before you see results.  To avoid becoming discouraged, it is essential to track your progress.

By tracking your workouts, you can see proof of the progress you are making in other ways, helping you to check off a healthy habit every day. This will help you to visualize your progress toward your goal and can also help you maintain consistency with your new routine.

Hold Yourself Accountable

Accountability is a major factor in reaching your goals, but many times there are no consequences when we don’t achieve your goals. This leads to us giving up and feeling disappointed, with no real repercussions.

The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD), says that if you commit to someone, like a friend, co-worker, spouse, etc., you have a 65% chance of achieving your goal.

If you make a specific accountability appointment with your accountability partner, you can increase your chances of achieving your goal to 95%, making accountability a driving factor in meeting your goals.

Identify Potential Roadblocks

Throughout your fitness journey, it is likely that you will face setbacks. You may get busy with work, get sick or may become unmotivated. You can’t predict life, and sometimes roadblocks will come up and get in the way of your goals, but this doesn’t mean you have to let it derail you completely.

When you are making your plan for achieving your goals, it is crucial to identify potential issues you may encounter on your journey and find a way around them. If your demanding work schedule has been an issue for you sticking to healthy meals in the past, you may want to try preparing meals in batches on the weekend to prepare for the week and keep you on track. You may also consider having a go-to workout that is quick and effective for when you are pressed for time.

Group Fitness Classes and Weight Loss Training to Help You Meet Your Goals


At Wilfred R. Cameron Wellness Center, we offer a wide range of group classes at our fitness center in Washington. From indoor cycling to aquatics classes, we have something for everybody! We also offer a program specifically designed for weight loss as well as personal training and sports performance programs to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Contact us today to learn more about how our expert staff can provide you with the tools you need to stick with your new year’s resolutions!


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